Learning through play

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PRESENT SIMPLE learning set from the START TALKING series




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Learning through play

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Odkryj tajemnice angielskiej gramatyki dzięki zestawowi „Zacznij Mówić: Zestaw do nauki czasu Present Simple”! Ten kompleksowy pakiet w formacie PDF został stworzony, aby opanowanie czasu Present Simple było zarówno efektywne, jak i przyjemne.

Educational Language Benefits:

Theory and sentence construction: Understand the rules of usage and formation of sentences in the Present Simple tense, supported by a list of key words that will enrich your vocabulary and enable you to use it freely.

Language fun with the game FIGURE IT OUT: Experience interactive gameplay using colorful magazines, a game board, and example phrases. The game encourages active learning through asking questions and guessing, making grammar learning incredibly engaging.

Sentence flashcards: With 36 flashcards containing Polish sentences to be translated into English, you will have the opportunity to practice sentence structures containing the Present Simple tense. Strengthen your skills through practical exercises.

Effective learning instructions: You will receive detailed guidance on how to use the flashcards, ensuring that your study sessions are productive and focused.

Unique aspects of the set:

The set offers comprehensive support in learning the Present Simple tense, covering theory, practical application, and reinforcing exercises.

Engage in interactive language fun with the game FIGURE IT OUT, which promotes active participation and interaction among players.

The inclusion of sentence flashcards provides additional opportunities for practice, allowing for the consolidation of understanding of sentence structures.

Detailed instructions offer valuable tips on effective learning strategies, enabling learners to optimize their study sessions and achieve their language learning goals.

Detailed content of the set:

7 pages of PDF for self-printing, featuring:

Theory and sentence construction for the Present Simple tense

FIGURE IT OUT game with colorful magazines, a game board, and example phrases

36 flashcards with sentences in Polish to be translated into English

Instructions for effective learning with flashcards