Learning through play

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Learning through play

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Zapraszamy do odkrycia fascynującego zestawu „Provoke Your Students”, który pomoże Ci w ćwiczeniu skojarzenia zdania oznajmującego z odpowiednim czasownikiem posiłkowym, używanym do wyrażenia zaprzeczenia. Ta gra jest idealna dla uczniów na poziomie A2/B1 i oferuje wiele cennych korzyści, a także sprawia dużo frajdy podczas nauki!

Educational Language Benefits:

Developing reaction skills: The set enables practice of immediate reactions by associating declarative sentences with the appropriate negation, which helps in faster acquisition of language structures.

Improving communication skills: The game requires active participation in dialogue, fostering the development of communication skills in English.

Expanding vocabulary: Through exercises with various declarative sentences, students have the opportunity to expand their vocabulary and learn new expressions.

Reinforcing knowledge: By repeating and practicing various language constructions, students reinforce their knowledge and confidence in using the English language.

Unique aspects of the set:

Customization options: The set allows for the preparation of custom declarative sentences by students, enabling individualization of exercises and adaptation to the group's needs.

Interactive learning format: The game engages students in active exchange of sentences, making learning more dynamic and effective.

Support for teachers: In addition to ready-made strips with sentences, the set also includes blank strip templates that teachers can use to create their own exercises according to the group's needs.

Detailed content of the set:

Ready-made strips with declarative sentences and negations.

Blank strip templates for independent completion by teachers or students.

Game instructions, clearly explaining the rules and course of play.

Zestaw „Provoke Your Students” to nie tylko skuteczna metoda nauki, ale także świetna zabawa, która sprawia, że nauka języka angielskiego staje się jeszcze bardziej interesująca i interaktywna!